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Headache after visiting the dentist

A visit to the dentist is in itself unpleasant, despite all the advances in modern anaesthesia and dentistry. And if after him a headache is unpleasant doubly. Most people prefer to take the pain after visiting the dentist for granted, and just take painkillers, but is it right? How to treat this pain and can it be avoided?

Causes of headaches after a visit to the dentist

If the dentist removes or treats a tooth surgically, he performs a true surgical operation. The consequences of it are exactly the same as any other operation – damage to mucosal tissues, trauma to the gums and sometimes the jaw, bleeding if not properly maintained, the danger of suppuration and infection of wounds. In addition to this sometimes there is a headache. What causes it?

  • Side effects of medications
  • The condition of the patient's tooth
  • The condition of the oral cavity
  • The location is remote or the treated tooth
  • The number of teeth requiring treatment
  • The presence of dental diseases of teeth and gums
  • The presence of chronic diseases
  • The age of the patient

If the headache is associated with any of these reasons, it occurs and intensifies after the termination of anesthesia. This pain lasts for a day at the most then passes – if this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor. For relieving symptoms, you can use normal painkillers.

Side effects of anesthesia

Local anaesthesia used in dentistry, virtually harmless to the body. Especially because now it exists not only in the form of injections, but also ointments and also sprays that are essential in the treatment of young patients. They not only accurately applied to the desired area, but often have a rather pleasant taste, to minimize discomfort from medical intervention in the oral cavity.

However, when the dose or the wrong selection of the medicine the patient can fully experience the discomfort of side effects. Hypersensitivity of the components of the means of the local anaesthesia is uncommon, but causes extreme discomfort. Unfortunately, many patients considering this method of anesthesia completely harmless, asking for an additional dose of "freezing" from fear of dental pain.

Allergic reaction to anesthesia manifests itself in the form of swelling of soft tissues – for getting rid of unpleasant feelings is enough to take an antihistamine, for example, Tavegil or Citrine. It should be remembered that virtually all of them have a sedative effect, this means that after taking the patient cannot perform actions that require high concentration – for example, to drive a car.If the swelling doesn't sleep after taking the drug and only increases in size, definitely need to see a doctor – perhaps this postoperative complication.

Injury of the mouth during surgery

A tooth surrounded by gingiva, held on by a special ligament is penetrated by small blood vessels and nerves. During the treatment or removal of the tooth and surrounding tissues are under pressure and are injured, a tooth pulled, many of them are broken. Headache when this occurs very often, as hurt nerves and damaged tissues send signals about your injury – but these symptoms are quite easy to drown out normal

Disease causing headache

A minor surgical procedure, when the whole procedure is fast and without problems, almost never causes a headache, for example, when you remove a baby tooth of the child. But the complicated extraction of the tooth from the socket, which prevent the manifestation of diseases of the teeth and gums, significantly increase the risk of headache after a visit to the doctor. What are you talking about?

Periodontitis can cause the appearance of alveolitis as a result, the dentist will not only have to remove the tooth, but also to cut the gum to extract ingrown splinters. Periostitis, i.e., inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth, has no less serious consequences. Besides the fact that the dentist will have to crush, drill, grind teeth and cut the surrounding tissue, these diseases are very dangerous by themselves that can trigger the development of cellulitis or abscess.

The removal of pain analgesics will not work if after treatment or removal of the tooth in the hole there is pain, then there is bad breath, and after a while eating the pain is compounded. This infection of the tissues on the background of inflammation, with the hole covered with gray bloom. To help in this case can only be a dentist – he'll clean the hole, but this procedure is extremely painful. In no case do not need to run this process, as otherwise not only serious discomfort, but the complications that will require long-term treatment and complicated operations in the oral cavity.

Treatment and removal of "wisdom teeth"

The four "wisdom teeth" is "g", the teeth that erupt in adulthood. Some people they no who for various reasons can not be in place or be cut have already been destroyed. In some Western countries, they are removed even if they are perfectly healthy, because I think "unnecessary".

In Russia and the CIS countries, dentists are not so categorical and offer to remove the tooth only if it is seriously affected by any disease and histreatment is not possible. However, the "eight" is located so deep and uncomfortable that surgery to remove of the dentists are considered among the most complex and long. The body of the tooth is often required to cut or to divide, to cut the soft tissue above it. The result of these manipulations may develop a headache that lasts until healing of the wound and the decline of the swelling.

It is especially difficult to cope with these teeth, when the inflammation had already developed – it is therefore prudent dentists sometimes suggest the patient to get rid of the tooth, instead of waiting for problems during the period of his rest. In this case, the risk of getting a headache "as a gift" is much less.

Treatment of headache after a visit to the dentist

Dentist, leading the patient must be aware of its individual characteristics. If the patient came for the first time in a new clinic, he should notify the dentist about their chronic diseases and medications ( in the ideal case, all that the doctor asked himself in advance). Naturally, it should be to agree to receive pain, in case of development of headache after surgery.

Special attention to this issue should be given if the patient has various chronic diseases, has reached the age of maturity, there is a danger of complications after treatment, or a long and complicated procedure.

Most often the headache is accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues around the tooth – it can cause an allergic reaction to anesthesia, and tissue inflammation due to injury, and one does not exclude the other. Allergy is treated with antihistamines, normal swelling is removed the packs in the first two days of cold, then warm. Swelling requires immediate treatment for qualified help.

The bleeding from the hole is also normal immediately after tooth extraction, it will help to cope dentist. If after a few days on the background of the headaches, the bleeding appears again – this is OK. The main thing – not to take aspirin and put on the wound gauze, just having bitten him. But, if after 15-20 minutes, the blood does not stop, you need to go to the doctor.

Headache can also be a very unpleasant symptom of the inflammation and suppuration of the gum tissue. The reasons for the formation of inflammation can be many, from the negligent of a doctor to remove the tooth completely, before falling into the wound infection because of the non-patient appointments. Treatment of sepsis should begin as early as possible, otherwise, the formation of the cyst or fistula in the gum.


Prevention of such headaches is very simple – observance of doctor's instructions regarding eating or drinking after the procedurecleaning mode and rinse the teeth. The day after major surgery you need to abstain from alcohol and Smoking, heavy physical exertion. As a rule, after a serious operation in a day keeps a headache, temperature and swelling, the doctor must warn you about this and prescribe medication to relieve symptoms.

Not worth after tooth extraction vigorously rinse your mouth, try to "lick" the hole, to try to clean the injured place with a toothbrush hard or medium hardness. After the operation there is formed a blood clot protecting the hole from inflammation, and to ensure normal healing of the wound. It can stay there for up to six weeks – this is normal and natural, but without possible complications. So the first day sometimes even forbidden to brush teeth and use the mouthwash, salves and elixirs.