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Of the brain EEG: electroencephalography shows that

Electroencephalography, or, abbreviated EEG, is a method of research of a condition of the brain, based on registration of electric activity. Thanks to this survey it is possible to identify the spread of the inflammatory diseases, pathology in blood vessels, the signs of epilepsy and tumors. Moreover, at the moment, EEG is the only one available in the outpatient research method allowing to diagnose the condition of the patient even if unconscious. The EEG does not bear any harm to the body and can be applied even to young children.

EEG allows to observe the dynamics of the disease and to adjust therapies and to assess the impact of prescribed drugs on the patient. Also with this technique it became possible to track all the changes in the brain – structural and reversible. That's what EEG and differs from other major methods of research MRI or CT scan. The procedure lasts no more than an hour, causes no adverse reactions and does not bring the patient discomfort. So that electroencephalography can be called not only the most accurate research method, but also the most gentle procedure.

Electroencephalogram looks like a simple curve – the result of fluctuations in the electrical activity of the brain. Thus, the physician obtains a complete picture of brain activity. There is a special "map" on which is defined the nature of the disease and the degree of its manifestation.

Also, EEG shows all the problems in the work of the CNS – the so-called property of rhythm, which allows accurately display synchronous activity of all the structures in the brain. Also this method of research is able to show exactly how the brain uses its "reserves".

How is the EEG recording?

  1. The study of the brain start with the so-called routine procedure, EEG. These actions allow you to analyze paroxysmal condition of the brain. Within 10-15 minutes there is a graphic record of biological potentials of the brain and are produced by the usual functional tests.
  2. If the routine electroencephalogram (EEG) were ineffective, it may be assigned an EEG with sleep deprivation. For this patient, or deprived of sleep for one night, or awake specially for a few hours before normal waking and then proceed to study the electronic impulses of the brain.
  3. If the patient is suspected paroxysms, the doctor prescribes a lengthy procedure with registration of sleep that allows you to make more accurate conclusions.
  4. However, the most complete is considered to be the EEG occurring before bedtime, during the night sleep and when waking. In these intervals it is much easier to analyze brain activity andto draw the right conclusions.

When sent for an EEG?

Just EEG do not, you need to get directions. Despite the fact that this is the most common and safest procedure among similar, doctors prefer to first assemble the picture of the disease without the use of modern technologies. However, if the diagnosis is impossible, resort to studies of the brain with the help of special devices, including and EEG.

Thus, EEG is mandatory if:

  1. The patient is too young and not able to explain their feelings;
  2. The patient has long suffered from insomnia and impaired sleep;
  3. There are epileptic seizures;
  4. There are lesions of the brain, developed nosological forms;
  5. The patient's diseased blood vessels of the brain;
  6. There is a suspected tumor;
  7. In history there are

    How to prepare for EEG

    After the doctor has given you the direction to the encephalography, three days before the examination to give up all anticonvulsants. Before the examination have to wash my hair, use creams, gels, foams, mousses and lacquers for styling – is prohibited. If you have braids or dreadlocks, they have to untangle. You also need to remove earrings and other metal jewelry from the body.

    If the procedure will be done to the child, it is necessary to explain in detail all the details of the process and to highlight the fact that any harm or pain he will cause. Doctors advise parents to bring the toys to the little patients, he was not afraid and feel comfortable. In any case, for the success of the procedure, the child must be completely relaxed.

    It is worth noting another point: the procedure is not available to people currently suffering from cold or viral diseases.

    The procedure of EEG

    To determine the state of the brain to perform its activity during wakefulness or sleep, the doctor puts the patient on the head of a peculiar instrument that resembles a swimming cap. Set electrodes, the number of which will depend on the age of the patient. Children usually put electrodes 12, but adults 18 years of age – for 21 electrode.

    The electrode itself is filled with special conductive substance, which quickly transmits electricity and with the help of transaction connected with the electroencephalograph, it first amplifies the signal received from the brain, and then sends the subsequent processing of that information in the computer.

    The signal is displayed on the monitor screen in the form of wavy lines that allows physicians to immediately conclude that the activity of cells and condition of the patient's brain. With this procedure, the doctor can immediately identify the presence of pathologies or lesionsinflammation: it just sees that certain areas of the brain are not working as it should.

    The value of EEG

    Of course, at this point, the EEG being replaced by more modern methods and disappearing, giving place to the computer and magnetic resonance tomography. However, EEG is still a valuable screening test that is available in virtually every hospital and does not require significant costs for the procedure. With the help of the EEG, the doctor may make a diagnosis of the brain and learn its capabilities.

    A special role EEG plays in the study of epilepsy and the exact installation of the diagnosis with similar diseases. Moreover, due to the fact that the conduct of the EEG can in any clinic, to identify patients in the early stages, and this is very important and can save the mind and the health of the patient in order. Using EEG, the doctor can monitor the course of the disease, correct treatment and to identify disorders in the brain in order to support this in the future. Therefore, the EEG in epilepsy are doing every 10 days after the attack.

    The benefits of EEG

    The procedure itself has a high value, as the examination of CT or similar devices. Thus it is available in any clinic, and in order to get an EEG, do not have to go to another hospital.

    In addition, EEG has no influence neither on the health nor on the human condition, allowing it to maintain performance. Another undoubted advantage of this study is the fact that it can be performed even patients who are in critical condition or a coma. So far this is the most optimal and accurate method for the diagnosis of epilepsy. Only the EEG allows you to quickly identify the lesion and to begin early treatment. And the fact that it shows you how consistently work the structure of the brain allows the physician to make an accurate diagnosis.

    It is possible to carry out EEG of children and adults of any age, it is not worrying for the health. The procedure is painless and takes no more than 15 minutes.

    Children's electroencephalogram

    As a rule, the procedure in children is on the background of the dream that allows you to accurately assess the condition of the little patient, and to perform all the stages of maturation of the active brain cells of the baby in the first year of his life. Just because an EEG can detect abnormal changes and to start treatment before the lesion will develop into a serious disease.

    Usually, doctors prescribe an EEG for a child in the following cases:

    • Epileptic seizures, febrile convulsions and various pseudo seizures type of epilepsy. In such cases, EEG is necessary for the assessment of treatment and adjustmentof course.
    • If necessary to determine the presence of ischemic lesions of the CNS or is required to assess the severity of the disease.
    • If you want dynamic evaluation and forecast of development of brain lesions.
    • If you want to evaluate the correctness of the formation and development of bioelectric activity in infants in their very early stages of life.

    EEG even for an infant is perfectly safe and does not harm health. So if the doctor sends you or your child for this procedure – there is no doubt. Thanks to the time made electroencephalogram is often possible to win serious illness at the earliest stages of its development.