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Dizziness harmful: causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Dizziness is a symptom of systemic diseases (nervous system, heart and blood vessels, disorders of the vestibular system) and represents a pathological condition in which occur the subjective sensation of movement of surrounding objects or their own body.

Dizziness as a symptom of VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia or VSD is a relatively common disease (diagnosed in 70% of patients), which is accompanied by various forms of disorders of the vascular system, leading to decreased blood supply oxygen to vital organs. This disease occurs without pronounced symptoms or on the contrary a variety of clinical manifestations that is caused by violation of nervous regulation in peripheral nerves. Therefore, one of the typical signs of VSD is dystonia of cerebral vessels, which manifests itself:

  • frequent and sudden dizziness;
  • periodic fainting;
  • headaches.

Also symptoms of VSD are:

  • weakness, irritability, suspiciousness, insomnia;
  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • heart pain, rapid or slow pulse;
  • increase or decrease blood pressure;
  • a decrease in sexual activity.

The reasons for the development of VSD

The main reasons for the development and progression of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • nervous overload;
  • hormonal disturbances or changes;
  • accompanying somatic diseases.

Dizziness and fainting during IRR most often develop in connection with different types of blood circulation disorders of organs and systems.

The first manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested in adolescence on the background of the active hormonal changes of the body (most often women), but to date, the IRR is diagnosed in children on the background of a burdened heredity. Emotional instability, immaturity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, stress and nervousness pregnant in the first trimester of pregnancy often triggers the development of VSD with typical symptoms (persistent headaches, pronounced dizziness, increase or decrease in body temperature, sleep disorders, suspiciousness, meteosensitivity) in childhood.
Early symptoms of VSD is considered an unfavorable factor, indicating the possible progression of symptoms during adolescence and the influence of precipitating agents in adult patients.

In adulthood major role in the development of VSD have hormonal changes of the body (menopause, pregnancy or prenatal period),obesity, stress, fatigue, neurosis, depression.

The nature of the dizziness harmful

The nature of the VSD depends on the cause of the disease and the incidence of major manifestations of the disease:

  • permanent form of VSD is characterized by constant signs of the disease (dizziness and headaches) that occurs when the hereditary nature of the disease;
  • paroxysmal form is characterized by sudden onset of autonomic seizures;
  • the latent form of the disease is oligosymptomatic and hidden flows, but in the presence of adverse factors (stress, abrupt climate change changes in atmospheric pressure or weather conditions, hormonal disorders) goes into one of the distinct forms.

Vertigo with vegetative-vascular crises

The most complex manifestation of a VSD are considered to be autonomic seizures or panic attacks. They start in patients 20 to 40 years and are more common in women. Predisposing factors are stress, anxiety, endocrine changes of the body, brain injury, cerebrovascular accident, long-term use of contraceptives.

Usually a panic attack begins with a sudden dizziness, headache or pain in the region of the heart, paleness or redness of the face, palpitations, increase or decrease of blood pressure, which are accompanied by darkening of the eyes, sweating, nausea, causeless fear, and General weakness.

For several days after the crisis, there is a feeling of General weakness, fatigue and malaise.

It is important to know that the frequent attacks cause excitement, overwork and emotional stress.

What to do if you experience dizziness

With the appearance of vertigo in VSD:

  • you should try to calm down, to lie with closed eyes for a few minutes or while sitting comfortably (preferably in a comfy chair) to fix the gaze on any subject;
  • important if you experience dizziness measure

    Dizziness as a symptom of various diseases

    To date, there are over 80 diseases that are accompanied by vertigo, but the most common causes of this unpleasant symptoms are:

    • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
    • thoracic or

      Diagnosis of VSD

      Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex of the diverse manifestations of different organs and systems, therefore, to classify these symptoms is virtually impossible. Only a complex combination of various factors with the results of laboratory tests and instrumental methods of examination provide the basis for the doctor to diagnose VSD.

      Fordiagnosis the specialist must prescribe a complete examination of the patient: electrocardiography, rheoencephalography, ultrasound, MRI and rheovasography.

      Prevention of dizziness harmful

      If you experience periodic attacks of vertigo need to try to protect yourself from the trigger factors. This helps taking a mild sedative herbal remedies, avoidance of crowded, stuffy or other places, which are most likely to begin the darkening of the eyes, dizziness and fainting.

      The main cause of vertigo in VSD is the reduction of vascular tone and lowering blood pressure, so prevention you need to eat foods that contribute to its increase (chocolate, coffee, black or green tea) – it helps to reduce the number of autonomic attacks and/or alleviate the severity of their clinical manifestations.

      It is important to remember that the basis of prevention of vertigo in the IRR are considered proper sleep and good health.

      Most experts recommend their patients:

      • regular Hiking and/or Jogging in the fresh air, which strengthens the heart muscle and increase the immunological reactivity of the organism (immunity).
      • sustainable and healthy food;
      • physical activity, healthy lifestyle;
      • contrast shower, swimming;
      • climatotherapy, aromatherapy, massage courses or a combination of these methods.

      Exercises to reduce the impact of vegetative-vascular dystonia on the organism, on video:

      A mandatory condition for the prevention of VSD and frequent bouts of dizziness, especially when burdened heredity is the strengthening of the immune system with the use of plant adaptogens (Echinacea, ginseng, Schizandra, Siberian ginseng), fresh juices (carrot, beet and lemon) with honey and red wine, herbal teas (peppermint, nettle, levzei, yarrow, horsetail).

      Also requires the treatment of all related diseases and hormonal disorders.