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Stroke right side of brain

A stroke is always a severe pathology, regardless of and localization. In addition to the high mortality observed in the acute phase of the disease, stroke always leaves after severe disturbances in the body, until the complete loss of legal capacity and the need for continuous third party care.

As you know,

Causes of right sided stroke

As already mentioned, the reasons for the defeat of the right hemisphere of the brain are the same as the left. There are 2 main varieties of brain impact

The main functions of the right hemisphere of the brain

To understand, why those and not other symptoms does a stroke of the right side of the brain, you must have an idea about its functions in health:

  • controls movement of the left side of the body (arms, legs, and facial muscles of the face);
  • provides all kinds of sensitivity in the left half of the body;
  • regulate sight, smell and hearing;
  • responsible for the sense of intuition;
  • processes nonverbal information, i.e. provides an understanding of symbols, images;
  • responsible for perception of location and orientation in space;
  • the perception of music and inclination to it;
  • understanding of metaphors and metaphorical meanings of words and expressions;
  • responsible for dreams, fantasies and imagination;
  • provides the ability to fine arts;
  • development and control of emotions;
  • provides the capability of simultaneous processing large amounts of information and multitasking;
  • allows to perceive the subject as a whole, not its individual parts, for example, we recognize a person's face, not individual features;
  • provides the ability to find differences;
  • provides specific thinking;
  • the perception of colors.

The effects of a stroke of the right brain may include a violation of any of these functions and their combination. Most commonly affected are the motor function of the left limbs of the body. The patient develops left hemiparesis or paralysis of one limb muscles of the left side of his face. Can disturb sensitive left, but not suffering it, if the patient is not left-handed.

These symptoms appear already in the acute period of stroke, and all the rest much later. A person loses the ability to recognition of persons, objects, cannot understand emotions, perceives only the literal meaning of the words, no sense of humor, can not find differences, loses the ability to be creative.

Symptoms of a stroke right hemisphere

It is important to remember! The sooner diagnosed and treated the better the prognosis for the patient. Because you need to know first symptoms of a stroke, so as not to lose any time.

There is a very simple test, which is used worldwide for fastthe diagnosis of apoplexy:

  1. Smile. You need to ask the person to smile. With the defeat of the right hemisphere the left corner of his mouth rises, and a smile will curve, in addition, can parasite left cheek.
  2. It. Have the patient say a simple sentence if he failed to do so, or slurred speech, you should suspect a stroke. Remember! The problems with it in right hand stroke practically does not happen, only left-handed people
  3. Movement. Ask the children to raise first both arms, then his legs. If the victim cannot raise the limb from the left or the muscular strength in them is reduced compared to the right side, it is likely that the affected right hemisphere.
  4. Orientation. You need to check the level of human consciousness. To do this, ask who he is, where is, what day it is. If the patient answers correctly, the consciousness is not broken. As a rule, in ischemic stroke they will, and in hemorrhagic, most likely, consciousness is disturbed or even absent.

If there is at least one symptom of the above, immediately call an ambulance, because the doctors have 3-6 hours to save human life and reduce the lesions in his brain.

Other symptoms right-sided stroke:

  • sudden and severe headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and urge to vomit;
  • increase

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Suspected stroke can leaving symptoms and medical history, whether a patient has risk factors for ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.

    Mandatory victim should be examined by a neurologist to determine focal neurological symptoms, if necessary a neurosurgeon.

    Establish the type of stroke, its localization and size of the lesion allow brain imaging methods, including MRI and CT. Leaving the data received in these surveys doctors make therapeutic program.

    Also appoint a full laboratory blood and urine tests to determine abnormalities and their correction. Be sure blood explore on coagulogram (clotting) and lipidogram (cholesterol and other lipoprotein fractions).

    For the diagnosis of comorbidity run an EKG, heart ultrasound, monitoring of blood pressure, OGK x-rays, ultrasound of the vessels of the legs, etc. depending on the obtained results, prescribe symptomatic therapy.

    Video about types of strokes and their symptoms:

    Treatment guidelines of stroke the right side of the brain no different from the left. The differences depend on the type of stroke. In each case, is assigned to the basic therapy, which aims to support breathing, heart function,normalization of pressure, ensuring homeostasis, elimination of pathological symptoms, e.g., fever, pain, cramps, vomiting.

    Specific therapy for cerebral infarction is the use of drugs that dissolve blood clots and prevent their re-education. In hemorrhagic stroke prescribed, on the contrary, styptic.