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The treatment of paralysis of the right side of the body during the stroke

The most common result of stroke, regardless of its type, cerebral infarction or

The types of paralysis after stroke

According to the statistics 88% of people who have suffered a stroke have residual effects in the form of impaired motor function (paralysis and paresis). Localization of such damage depends on the brain the vascular accident and the size of the damaged hearth. For example, paralysis of the right side of the body occurs when blockage of the vessel or hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of the brain.

There are 2 kinds of paralysis:

  • Central;
  • peripheral.

During a stroke develops only Central paralysis. It is caused by damage to the motor center of the cerebral cortex (prezenterka gyrus of the parietal region of the cerebral hemispheres), while the right-hand Central paralysis suffers presentarla gyrus of the left hemisphere of the brain.

Very often, these patients develops motor aphasia (inability to speak) due to the fact that in the left hemisphere near the motor speech centre, Broca's area.

As the location of motor neurons and pathways in the brain are very compact, while stroke typically affects the whole mass, which leads to the development of paralysis, paresis and not. Also, this plegia is diffuse – spread across the entire upper or lower limb on the right side, or develops right hemiparesis (struck and hand, and leg). This primarily depends on the level of the lesion of brain tissue (internal capsule, white matter or cortex).

The symptoms of right-sided paralysis in stroke

To the right of the Central symptoms of paralysis include:

  • the inability to perform active movements with the right arm and/or leg;
  • the muscle fibers are in a state of hypertonicity, this leads to the fact that immobilized parts of the body is forced position, and this may contribute to such complications as muscle contracture (should be treated);
  • atrophy of muscle fibers is not observed;
  • the tendon reflexes do not fall, they rise;
  • there are pathological reflexes, e.g., Babinski;
  • in the paralyzed extremities is observed synkinesis (this motion that arise reflex), for example, flexion of the right hand when you cough or sneeze, etc.

In connection with increased muscle tone with Central palsy it is also called spastic. The typical position of the hand in right hand plegia – it is given to the body and bent at the elbow, the hand squeezed into a fist. Leg paralysis in right hand extended hip and kneejoint, the foot is bent and the sole looks inwards.

If you do not take any measures to ensure the normal physiological position of the limb, over time, develop a typical contractures, which then will not allow the patient to recover motor function.

Also a frequent companion of stroke left hemisphere of the brain is a right-sided Central facial paralysis. This man cannot move facial muscles in the lower face. He lowered the corner of the mouth droops and the lower eyelid on the right side.

The treatment of paralysis of the right side of the body during the stroke in the acute period

In the acute period of stroke the treatment depends on the type of vascular accident, disregarding the initial neurological deficit, as it can delve into the first few days after stroke, and to decrease on the background of intensive therapy.

Video transmission about recovering after a stroke:

The treatment of paralysis of the right side of the body during the stroke recovery period

To recovery, which necessarily includes treatment of paralysis of the right side of the body, start as early as possible: if there are no medical prohibitions, it is ischemic to begin a rehabilitation program after 5-7 days, and in hemorrhagic – after 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of motor disorders include:

  • ;
  • massage techniques, manual exposure;
  • physiotherapy techniques;
  • the kinesiotherapy;
  • reflexology, and acupuncture;
  • prosthetics and orthotics helper methods;
  • techniques of rehabilitation are applied treatment, for example, in the formation of contracture complications;
  • drug support.

Physical therapy

It should be noted that the return function to the legs much easier than the hands, as fine motor skills of the hands will be returned in full very rare. But if diligently and patiently work, then you can re-learn to write and draw.

At the initial stage of physical therapy used the treatment of paralysis of the right side position. It is aimed at the prevention of contractures, bedsores, stasis pneumonia and other complications in bedridden patients.

The position should be accorded to the muscles, which, due to spastic tone are reduced, have been stretched. This can be achieved by turning the person on his side, use a small weight, for example, put a sack of sand in the palm of his hand, not clenched fist.

It must be remembered that it is impossible for a long time to bring such a forced situation, as it can increase spasticity and worsening situation.

Perfect for thisstage of treatment are of special devices for kinesiotherapy, which can be given any desired position of patient's body without any extra effort.

Parallel therapy position start passive exercises. Such charging is done stranger gradually for all groups of muscles.

Once a person can sit in bed proceed to the next stage gymnastics – gymnastics in bed lying down, sitting. And then the man slowly starts to get out of bed and start physical therapy in a standing position. All the necessary sets of exercises should be chosen strictly individually by a physiotherapist or a doctor-rehabilitologist.

Training video: exercise therapy after stroke:

The ideal option is treatment in a specialized post-stroke rehabilitation centre with all necessary equipment and specially trained nurses. It also offers classes on psychological, social, speech and occupational rehabilitation.

Mandatory patients are assigned a course of massages and physiotherapy, which helps to consolidate the achievements of physiotherapy. In severe cases, resort to electrostimulation of the paretic muscle groups, which sometimes brings good results. In any case, the treatment of paralysis after stroke should be comprehensive, and all therapeutic treatments are long and regular. The only way to achieve success and return to his former life.