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What to do if a burst vessel in the eye

Probably everyone at least once in your life upset about the fact that he had a burst vessel in the eye. For some it happened once, and someone suffering from such a symptom on a regular basis. What are the reasons for developing a hemorrhage in the eye? Today we'll look at why blood vessels in gases can burst, what it stands for and whether you need further testing or special treatment.

Causes of rupture of blood vessels in the eyes

There are many causes of tearing of the eye capillaries. Among them you can find in which experience is not necessary, and those that provide a signal to the body about the impending trouble. Consider the most frequent etiological factors of rupture of the vessels of the eye.


Everyone knows that high blood pressure is bad in the first place so that significantly increased risk of


The main symptom is redness of the eyes, which burst vessel. That is what most often leads a person to the clinic. Redness can be turned (if exploded one vessel and hemorrhage), and may be red, and all eyes, if a few broken capillaries or bruising large.

Other symptoms depend on the cause of the development of the hemorrhage and the division of the eyeball, where spilled blood. To the naked eye you can see only those ruptures of capillaries that occur in the anterior of the eye. But most of the eyeball is hidden in the skull and there are also vessels that can burst. Consider the main localization of hemorrhage in the eye.

Hemorrhage into the retina – this is probably the most unfavourable option. As you know, the retina is the nerve tissue that lines the inside the eye and provides us with vision. Bleeding this nervous shell off part of the visual process. And, if the vessels burst there regularly, it gradually leads to a decrease in visual acuity and even to blindness. The most common cause of such bleeding is arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases of the retina. When this occurs, a blurred vision, “floaters” before your eyes, appear blind spots in the field of view. Any other signs not. To diagnose only by means of ophthalmic examination of the fundus.

Bleeding in the eye socket is possible, for example, in trauma. Blood poured in retrobulbar adipose tissue that leads to protrusion of eyes (exophthalmia). At the same time it is possible to observe the periorbital edema and bruising (signs of trauma), the patient complains of pain, inability to move eye, split items when looking.

Hemorrhage into the vitreous body – the main part of the eye is filled with a transparent education which is calledvitreous body, it allows the passage of light rays, focusing them on the retina. If the transparency of the education disappears (such as hemorrhage), then, of course, that vision suffers. Observed in traumatic injuries often. This is a serious injury that requires specialized eye care.

Bleeding in the front chamber – also called lifemay, can be observed in different States, often is glaucoma and trauma. The blood is collected in the lower part of the front surface of the eye that is visible to the naked eye. Usually, a special treatment is required – this resolves over 7-10 days, but in severe cases it can even be surgical eye care.

Bleeding in the sclera and the conjunctiva – it is this localization of the bruising and often see, because it is immediately obvious. This can lead to any of the above reasons: the pressure surge, and dry eye syndrome, and inflammatory ophthalmic pathology.

If you go to the doctor, it is necessary to talk in detail about your concerns. Not limited to a simple “burst vessel in the eye.” You need to detail what you were doing when it happened, what other symptoms are accompanied, for example,

Burst vessel in your eye: do they need treatment?

Not all cases of vessel rupture in the eye need special treatment. The main thing here is to establish the cause. If you eliminate the impact of the etiological factor, and the vessels more burst will not. If, for example, the reason lies in the normal fatigue of the visual analyzer, it is enough to relax and continue to comply with the rules of hygiene at work and to do exercises for the eyes. But, if you can't tie the bleeding from benign causes, which are described above, it is mandatory to go for a consultation with a therapist. The doctor will conduct all necessary diagnostic tests, will appoint consultations to specialists such as an ophthalmologist. Only if the diagnosis will be assigned adequate treatment.

How to quickly get rid of red eyes

In most cases the hemorrhage is not required – the body itself will eliminate the problem. Depending on the individual characteristics and size of the hemorrhage resorption of hematomas can last from 3 days to 3 weeks. The main treatment should be aimed at the cause of the disease.

It is impossible to ascertain the diagnosis to apply any medicines and recipes of traditional medicine are those which help in some situations, will be dangerous in others. This is especially true of the droplets, which narrows the blood capillariesin the eye. The fact that the enlargement of the vessels of the eye, for example, in case of allergic conjunctivitis, such a drop will have a positive effect – the redness should go away, but when the blood has been released outside the blood vessels (rupture of vessel), these medicines will not remove the redness, and can cause the appearance of spots on the eyeball.

You also need to be treated with caution to the recommendations to rinse sore eyes tea. With bacterial conjunctivitis it will really help, but if the reason is different – you can only aggravate their condition by putting on an eye infection.

If the reason is an increase in pressure, it is necessary to take drugs that will reduce. But only by prescription. When dry eye syndrome using medication, artificial tears, infectious lesions – antibiotics, glaucoma medicines that reduce intraocular pressure injuries requires specific eye care.


There are emergency situations that may be accompanied by hemorrhage in the eye, failure to provide care which can have very unfortunate consequences.

An acute attack of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a large group of diseases of the eye, which is accompanied by increased intraocular pressure and in the absence of treatment leads to gradual atrophy of the optic nerve, and complete blindness. Glaucoma is a chronic disease that may accompany acute attacks. They can provoke a large number of factors – from the use of drugs that enhance the pupil to a stressful situation.

Acute glaucoma attack is a medical emergency, the intraocular pressure must be reduced for several hours, otherwise disturbed krovoobraschenie and develops the withering away of the optic nerve in which the blindness is incurable.

First aid:

  • eye drops of 1% pilocarpine is instilled in the eye 2 drops every 15 minutes;
  • parenterally administered analgesic (condition is accompanied by very strong pain in the eye), sometimes used even of narcotic painkillers;
  • inside take diuretics (40-60 mg of furosemide);
  • admission to the ophthalmic hospital.

Hypertensive crisis

If you have dramatically had a headache, appeared dizziness, tinnitus, pain in the heart, weakness and burst vessel in the eye, then most likely, dramatically increased blood pressure (developed a hypertensive crisis). This is a medical emergency that threatens your life, therefore it is necessary to take measures:

  • call an ambulance;
  • if there is pain in my heart – chew 2 tablets of aspirin (prevention of heart attack);
  • take inside the hypotensivethe facility, which was advised by the doctor in such cases, for example, 50 mg of captopril, 2-3 drops of nifedipine.

An overdose of anticoagulants

Reasons why people are forced to take drugs that thin the blood, very much. This and ischemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, and replacement of heart valves, and thrombophilia. All such patients are at risk of development of hemorrhage. Overdose anticoagulants evidenced by the bleeding gums, hemorrhagic rash on the body, uterine bleeding and hemorrhage in the eye. In this case, it is urgent to seek medical attention for correcting the dose of the drug, or the appointment of antidote therapy.

Video instruction of exercises for the eyes:

Drops that can be used if the burst vessel in the eye

It should be noted that the following drugs may be used when hemorrhage in the eye, if you are sure that the cause does not threaten your health, such as fatigue on the eve of the intake of a large dose of alcohol, deficiency of vitamins in the body, meteopathy, General infectious diseases, dry eye syndrome etc.

  1. Visine – instill 2 drops in each eye, the effect lasts for 12 hours. The drug eliminates dryness and ocular discomfort, reduces redness and promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages.
  2. The emoxipin – drops, specifically for the treatment of hemorrhages in the eyes. Apply a drop 3 times a day until complete resorption of the defect.
  3. Defiles is a drug artificial tears, dryness, and discomfort in the eye.
  4. Taufon – promotes rapid healing of the defect, eliminates all unpleasant symptoms that are allowed for use in glaucoma.

Preventing rupture of the ocular vessels

If you have a burst vessel in the eye once, then would not want to go through that again. Because you need to follow some simple preventive guidelines to protect yourself from such problems in the future:

  • follow hygiene rules when working with the computer every 2 hours to rest the eyes and to do special visual exercises (simply close your eyes, move the eyeball in different directions and in a circle, massaging their hands, and even better – to walk in the fresh air);
  • to observe sleep for sleep deprivation is very harmful;
  • working conditions should be comfortable – the light should be good, both natural and artificial, is very harmful light from halogen lamps (such it is better to replace);
  • give up bad habits;
  • the air in the room needs to have optimum moisture content, with dry, for example in terms of conditioning,developing dryness of the eyeballs;
  • with Sunny weather and skiing in the mountains, use protective eyewear;
  • enrich your diet with vitamins;
  • better to wash with cold water – it trains blood vessels in the eyes, and good for the skin;
  • when diagnosed with the dry eye syndrome regularly use artificial tears;
  • to control blood pressure, to take all medicines the doctor;
  • to control the level of sugar in the blood for early detection of diabetes;
  • not to increase their own dose of drugs that thin the blood;
  • regularly measure the intraocular pressure;
  • to undergo an eye examination once a year for preventive purposes;
  • not to lift a heavy load.

Doing conclusion, it is necessary to stress that burst vessel in the eye can for many reasons, among which, as trifling, and very dangerous to humans, but no case should not remain without medical supervision.