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Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children: symptoms, causes, treatment

Disease called vegetative-vascular dystonia, at the same time extremely widespread and subtle, even when using the most modern medical research. Its meaning is that the vessels of the circulatory system, they reduce their activity, which leads to disturbances in various body systems.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

The autonomic nervous system in adolescents and preschoolers not strong enough for the emergence of the diagnosis of VSD. Mood swings, big load on the body – including in school, it is also not easy life. The doctors hurry to install a VSD as soon as possible and immediately take medical treatment that may be unacceptable in some cases. Much easier to remove the reason the child is ill, than immediately to treat extensive syndrome.

The symptoms of childhood dystonia

Normal situation, when the child has a rapid pulse – heart rate in children faster than adults. Therefore, the diagnosis of VSD on the cardiac rhythm in children under 12 years is impossible, whatever is asserted by some experts – especially the child's body and behavior grease the clinical picture.

Most often the disease is determined by the discoloration of the skin, the appearance of the characteristic "marbling". Sebaceous and sweat glands can malfunction, skin rash, swelling – however, the same can be observed in hormonal restructuring of the body in adolescents during adulthood. Sometimes there are changes in body temperature for no apparent reason.

A child may quickly lose weight or to recover, you may receive abundant acne. Interesting how the syndrome operates at puberty –

Related pathology

Much more dangerous for a child of the pathology that can develop on the background of autonomic dysfunction:

  • Arrhythmia
  • Defect or change in heart muscle
  • Infectious and inflammatory heart disease
  • The Syndrome Itsenko-Kushinga
  • Graves ' Disease
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Mental disorders

The detection is possible if the child complains of pain in the heart, increasing

The reasons for the development and risk groups

As external causes of the development of the syndrome, doctors suggest sometimes rather unexpected reasons – overload of the psyche due to the large amount of information load of curriculum at the school, stress factors in the family, the emergence of new food and household products, adapting to the accelerating pace of life. Last but not least mention doctors and a genetic predisposition, but it only increases the chances of developing the disease, and never acts as the main cause of the childVSD.

At particular risk are children with birth injuries, premature infants, those whose mothers during pregnancy suffered infectious disease. Possible Central nervous system damage, developmental abnormalities in pregnancy and early childhood not only shapes a variety of psychological problems, but also VSD.

One of the most common causes of psychological injury as a result of severe psychological situation in the family. In single-parent families, in families where parents suffer from alcohol and drug abuse, where parents prefer to hyperopic or isolated from the children, the risk of developing the disease grows tenfold.

Allergies, adverse climate or weather conditions, poor environmental situation in the region also increase the risk, especially against the background of psycho-emotional overload, poor diet and growing up with hormonal changes.

Diagnosis and identification of the true causes of the disease is complicated by the fact that children are very subjectively perceive the disease and their complaints are sometimes far from the actual development of the pathology – for example, when the baby has a headache, he can simultaneously complain of pain in the abdomen and Vice versa.

The treatment of the disease

Doctors try to classify some manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and calling it soldier's heart dystonia, and autonomic dysfunction, and many different terms, but it does not affect the treatment.

Because the child is very sensitive to stressful situations, it should be shielded from such experiences. The family must reign peace and love, should refrain from any emotional stress.

The children definitely need to plan the day, to balance physical activity with rest and recreation. It is required to maintain a positive attitude, to prefer non-pharmacological methods of treatment, but in any case not to abandon traditional methods. Perhaps the use of therapeutic massage, manual therapy (including acupuncture), physiotherapy and aquatic therapies.

As for herbs, it is preferred to use drugs with a sedative effect, which calms the nervous system while stimulating the nervous centers: Siberian ginseng, devil's, motherwort, aralia, ginseng, leuzea, Valerian, hawthorn. If such "soft" treatment is of no benefit, the turn of the pharmaceutical industry.

Be sure to pay attention to the dosage prescribed by a doctor – we cannot give the full dose, the desired volume is achieved gradually. If your child has a chronic foci of infection in the first place, the doctors involved in their suppression.

As preventioncommonly used antidepressants and stimulants of cerebral circulation, vitamins. Children suffering from VSD should be screened regularly, at least once in six months, especially in the offseason.

Non-drug therapy

As possible, you should avoid the drug load on the child's body, in the treatment of VSD widely used non-pharmacological methods of recovery of autonomic dysfunction:

  • Sleep no less than 8 hours a day
  • Regular exposure to fresh air
  • The limitation of workload
  • Reduction of time on the computer and TV, mobile phone
  • Moderate exercise
  • A balanced diet
  • Psychotherapy
  • Electrophoresis and therapeutic massage
  • Vitamins and herbal medicine

Drug therapy

Medications children prescribed for treatment – i.e., not excluding non-drug therapy. Specialized medicines is necessary only in the case when the disease does not allow the child to lead a full life.

If the disease is advanced, children assigned the passage of the medical Commission of the psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, internist, neurologist, for girls and also gynecologist. Further prescribers:

  • Hypotensive – means for pressure reduction
  • A neuroprotectant for improving metabolism in the brain
  • Blockers – tachycardia
  • Stimulants of blood circulation
  • Antioxidants for cellular support
  • Tranquilizers — sedatives
  • Antidepressants – to relieve anxiety and depression

Alternative autonomic dysfunction

International classification of diseases in the latest edition does not mention either vegetative-vascular dystonia, neither of neurocirculatory dystonia, neither of autonomic dysfunction. Why? This terminology is preserved exclusively in the post-Soviet space and not used anywhere else in the world. There is only the somatoform dysfunction of vegetative nervous system and it is a psychological disorder that makes you wonder what really all diseases of the nerves.