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Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) mixed type: the symptoms, causes, treatment

Causes of VSD on the mixed type

Still the true reasons why this breach occurs are not known. It affects mostly children 7 years, adolescents and young adults, most of the pathology observed in the female sex. For some strange reason (many believe it to be genetic tendency to inferiority of autonomic regulation of body functions) after trigger exposure starts precipitating factors disease that is characterized by prolonged course, but a benign prognosis. As a rule, all symptoms with age disappear or you can speed up the process of treatment and change in risk factor.

Risk factors of VSD:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • birth trauma,

    The symptoms of VSD on the mixed type

    Symptoms VSD very much, consider the most common:

    • fluctuation of blood pressure, and observed, as

      Diagnosis and prognosis

      Despite the fact that the disease is not dangerous, diagnosing it is sometimes difficult. VSD is a diagnosis of exclusion and it can only be set in case of exclusion of organic pathologies that can occur in analogical signs.

      The survey program includes:

      • the whole range of laboratory studies of blood and urine with obligatory determination of cholesterol and lipoprotein blood;
      • ECG;
      • radiography OGK;
      • Ultrasound of the heart;
      • daily monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate (Holter);
      • samples with load to determine the state of the cardiovascular system;
      • research of a hormonal background of an organism.

      Only after all examinations the doctor can make a diagnosis of VSD, if any pathological changes are not defined.

      As a rule, complications of VSD on the mixed type does not matter. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system spontaneously or under the influence of treatment. But sometimes, functional impairment, if there are long-term, you can move to organic. Thus, the VSD on the mixed type can be transformed into

      Principles of treatment and prevention

      The basis of the treatment of VSD on the mixed type are non-drug treatments:

      • normalization of rest and labour;
      • compliance with the principles of sound and proper nutrition;
      • regular physical activity;
      • getting rid of bad habits;
      • the elimination of stress factors and develop stress resistance.
      • physiotherapy techniques;
      • massage, reflexology, manual therapy.

      If non-pharmacological methods to eliminate the pathological symptoms is not possible, then resort to treatment. Mostly prescribed sedatives,antidepressants, tranquilizers, agents that increase pressure (biological plant stimulant, caffeine) pills for hypertension in case of high blood pressure, nootropic drugs to improve brain activity, vitamins and minerals.

      Video transmission about how to get rid of the IRR:

      At the heart of prevention, both primary and secondary is the identification and elimination of risk factors, the rational organization of the labor regime, rest and sleep, adequate physical activity, good nutrition, getting rid of bad habits.