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Why headache and stomach?

Simultaneous pain in the head and stomach – not the best feeling. Often, when this temperature rises, there is dizziness and nausea, sometimes even vomiting. What signs of the disease may be all that and it time to go to the doctor?

In fact, any illness that requires professional diagnosis is that the patient takes for symptoms of easy fatigue, it may be a serious threat to life and health. Use the home or first aid kit immediately and contact your doctor – everyone decides for himself, but it should be remembered that while the issue of their own health.

Stomach flu is the rotavirus

This is an infectious disease most often manifested by cephalalgia and abdominal pain, and nausea and vomiting. In this case, "nausea" prevails, and the headache is already on the background is just secondary. Rotavirus or stomach flu may appear at any person at any age, but at particular risk are infants under year.

As it is transferred? Most of all – with food, after ingestion of contaminated food, he begins to develop in the gastrointestinal tract of the patient, and then excreted in the feces and vomit.

What are the symptoms of gastric flu?

  • Weakness
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Inflammation of the lining of the throat
  • Headache
  • The darkening of the eyes
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever

The incubation period is 1-5 days, the illness can last 4 to 7 days.

Food poisoning or medication overdose

Despite these different life situations, symptoms and consequences of food and drug intoxication are very similar, the main pain in the head and stomach.

Food poisoning can be earned by eating infected or simply a defective product. Risk group all products of animal origin, and it's not just about the meat and derivatives, but also milk, cheese, even prepared foods, canned foods and sauces may cause ailments. Most often the causative agent is the bacteria Salmonella or the products of its life – they get into food, if it not to observe temperature rules retention, shelf life, or incorrect product to cook.

How to recognize food poisoning?

  • Strong sharp pain in the abdomen
  • Intense pain in the gastrointestinal tract, possible seizures or even seizures
  • Weak "background" headache
  • General muscle weakness
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • The darkening of the eyes
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting

The person sometimes experiences a strong thirst – get dehydrated, the patient is required richdrink.

What you need to do in the first place?

Because of severe dehydration and presence of virus in the body is really dangerous, you should immediately flush the patient's stomach. This should induce vomiting by pushing fingers or a spoon on the tongue or drinking large amounts of water (sometimes together plain water recommend a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, but it is better not to risk dosage). After that you should take absorbent – activated charcoal or POLYSORB. The calculation is 1 tablet per 10 kg weight of the patient in the use of coal and other drugs have to follow the instructions. People constantly need to drink water, tea, or solution regidrona gidrovit. But the food do not need to give – only a strict diet, high – strong tea and savory biscuits. If the symptoms do not subside within a few hours after the first aid, necessarily called a doctor or ambulance.

The causative agents of food poisoning

In addition to Salmonella, there is a whole list of microorganisms that can trigger the development of diseases (poisoning bacteria and their waste products). Here are some of them:

  • The bacteria Bacillus cereus
  • Clostridium botulinum (Clostridium botulism)
  • Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus)
  • The bacteria Clostridium perfringens (Clostridium perfringens)

And others. They all have different course of disease. For example, a typical staphylococcal poisoning begins with pain in the stomach and in the stomach, then the person is sick and vomits, then

Alternative causes of pain in the head and stomach

Traumatic brain injury is accompanied not only headache but also nausea, in severe cases – vomiting.

Disease of the nervous system/brain tumor – headache, and abdominal discomfort, 38 degrees Celsius fever, increased symptom in the morning.

Meningitis is expressed in severe pain, high body temperature, nausea and vomiting. Characteristic symptom – when straightening your legs at the shins or the inclination of the head discomfort multiplied.

Symptoms of headache and abdominal discomfort in children

Separately, there are children's symptoms of headache and abdominal discomfort. First, children are at primary risk for intoxication – their digestive system is still weak and underdeveloped immune system, causing poisoning can happen quite often, and even lead to irritable bowel syndrome. Second, the child can attract the attention of adults, feigning a headache and stomach pain – what parents are for difficult to diagnose the disease, often childish notion because of the lack of communication and affection. Thirdly, childrenoften unable to precisely articulate the nature of their ailments, because of this there is the opportunity to miss serious disease at an early stage of development. If in 4 years the kid still somehow able to point the finger where it hurts, the baby is able to Express his feelings, only cry.

For a start it is worth noting that children perceive cephalalgia differently than adults: lesions the pain is not concentrated in one place, and focus on the sides of the head, with headache inseparable from abdominal pain. But their attacks are much shorter than adults, so prolonged discomfort is a serious reason to immediately seek medical attention.

What? If the pediatrician can't determine the cause, he must give a direction to the ophthalmologist for normal inspection), cardiologist (for measuring pressure), ENT (nasal or damage to the sinuses lead to

The reasons why children can headaches and stomach

Atypical causes of pain are:

A reaction to medication carefully read the indications and dosage for children of any medications, which is going to give the child. It should be remembered that vitamins and the tongue – too drugs, although dispensed without a doctor's prescription. It is not necessary in any complaint of the child to give him

How to help your child with headache

First aid is quite simple: it is necessary to calm and comfort, to create a calm environment around. If blood pressure is high, you should take a shower or place your feet in a hot bath. If you're a whiskey – applying wet cool compress.

When the baby does not take the medication as punishment, you can ask him sublingual pills glycine – this will help with the vasospasm. Not interfere with massage of the back, neck, shoulders, head. In any case, you should not make decisions about taking serious medication without consulting with your doctor.

To avoid this, just follow the simple rules: do not abuse the foods that constrict blood vessels (oranges, nuts, chocolate, cheese, chips, and other), to reduce the burden of light and color on the eyes (ambient light and soothing colors, to spend less time in front of the monitor, as this very bright light aimed directly into the eye), often take a bath and massage. And, of course, not to forget often to draw the child's attention.