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Dizziness: causes, symptoms and treatment

Dizziness is one of the most frequent complaints with which patients come to the doctor. This pathological subjective feeling is a symptom of over 80 different diseases. In some cases, is the main symptom, in others one of many other symptoms. Dizziness or vertigo occurs in young and elderly people. Often dizzy in diseases of ENT-organs, the vibrations

The types and causes of dizziness

Dizziness is the abnormal sensation of movement of body in space or the movements of objects around them, and the nature of these movements can be quite varied, accompanied by a loss of balance and nausea. You need to remember that dizziness is never a disease, it is always a symptom of some disease or other pathological condition.

There are several main types of dizziness:

  1. Central vestibular golovokrugenie – caused diseases with brain damage (traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, strokes, parasitic lesions, vascular lesions – diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis,

    Symptoms of vertigo

    Each type of dizziness is characterized by its symptoms, the nature of which the doctor may even suspect the disease that caused the whirling of the head.

    When vestibular dizziness people complain of a sense of rotation, tilting, dropping and swinging his own body and objects around the person. Accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting, increased sweating, impaired hearing and loss of balance. This type of dizziness observed with loss of vestibular apparatus person (Central or peripheral departments).

    Lightheadedness (lipothymia) is characterized by a sense of imminent loss of consciousness, the incredible lightness in the head, palpitations, pale skin and cold profuse sweat, nausea, darkening of the sight, the feeling of fear.

    In some cases, under a dizzy mean unbalance. Patients complain of the uncertainty of movements, staggering when walking. A characteristic symptom that allows to distinguish the disorder from vertigo is that when the pathology of the equilibrium system signs are observed only when driving, at the time, as with true vertigo, they are present and sitting, and lying down.


    The most frequent complaint of high blood pressure along with a headache is the dizziness. In people who suffer high blood pressure, dizzy can in 3 clinical cases:

    • with a sharp increase in blood pressure(


      People with constantly low blood pressure also often Aleuts dizziness, and high blood pressure. This symptom is also caused by hypoxia of the brain, but this time anoxia can result from inadequate blood supply to the cells due to reduced system pressure.

      Also hypotensive patients complain of General weakness, loss of functionality, drowsiness, nausea, fatigue.

      To help such people first need to find out the cause

      Brain tumors

      Dizziness when brain tumors can occur at different stages of the disease and for different reasons. For example, a tumor can compress cerebellum or the vestibular nerve, in the other case dizziness appears when

      Diseases of the ear

      Because the ear is not the organ of hearing but also of balance, the disease often accompanied by dizziness.

      Meniere's disease is a pathology of the inner ear, when the increased amount of fluid (endolymph). It has increased pressure on the receptor cells, and disrupts the regulation of equilibrium and corresponding symptoms. Patients complain of ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, loss of coordination and balance. The sense of body rotation significantly increases when standing up and the movement of his head.

      Video transmission about Meniere's disease:

      Basilar migraine

      This is a severe neurological disease that mainly affects women from 25 to 55 years. A characteristic feature is that of a typical migraine attack is preceded by severe vertigo with nausea, noise in the ears, disorders of vision (double vision or temporary blindness).

      Cervical osteochondrosis

      In pathology of the cervical spine patients complain of headache in the occiput, vertigo, enhanced or appear when head movements, particularly sharp. To suspect the cause of vertigo will help the pain in the neck and in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck cracking when moving.

      Treatment of vertigo

      If suddenly the man began to have a dizzy spell, then the first thing to do is to put the patient in a horizontal position, so it does not fall and get hurt, and ensure the flow of fresh air.

      Video about first aid in case of dizziness:

      Further treatment of vertigo depends on the cause, eliminating that you can get rid of this painful symptom.

      Of symptomatic drugs used:

      • betagistin;
      • metoclopramide;
      • vestibular exercises (exercises Dix-Hallpike,Brandt-Daroff);
      • methylprednisolone;
      • haloperidol;
      • diazepam;
      • ondansetron
      • of promethazine;
      • vasoactive drugs;
      • surgical treatment if unable to remove the cause.

      Thus, dizziness is not a disease but only a symptom of a specific pathology. But at the same time, this characteristic may be leading to the clinical picture and significantly reduce the patient's quality of life, and can testify to the danger of life. Because any dizziness should not be left without medical attention.