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Panic attacks: causes, symptoms, treatment, how to cope

A panic attack is an unexplained attack of anxiety and fear, which is accompanied by a number of psychosomatic symptoms. The cause of the disease can be a daily stress and difficulties at work, and heredity. In addition, the panic attacks are manifested most clearly in people with a specific mindset and character. Experts tend to claim that disease predisposed people, often prone to anxiety and nervous different personality type.

As sharp flash of panic can be a consequence of some other disease, it is important to distinguish the basic symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease

In addition to acute panic attacks and unexplained anxiety, the panic attacks have a number of signs that are clearly visible even to a stranger.

  1. Heart pain, rapid breathing and heartbeat, sweating, chills,

    Causes of panic attacks

    The most common causes of panic attacks become regular stress, mental disorders, difficult life situation connected with the loss of a loved one, prolonged and left without treatment, depression, various somatic disorders and diseases of the Central nervous system.

    In addition, half of those who complain of bouts of PA are different according to the severity of depressive disorders. While a third of patients anguish and depression developing well before the onset of panic attacks.

    Another possible cause of the disease is alcoholism. In that case, if the person begins to "treat" depression with alcohol, the disease is aggravated and goes into the chronic stage, which is very hard to get rid of.

    How to deal with panic attacks?

    Experts of psychiatry are confident, spontaneous occurrence of a panic attack can cause anything from a song with the disturbing music, and text that affect the psyche or calling a bad Association, until a chance meeting with a familiar person which is unpleasant to the patient, or when you visit a particular site.

    To calm person, prone to anxiety attack, it is necessary to keep sane and calm. The patient must take hands, to comfort, to help align breathing, performing breathing exercises. Do not leave patient alone or to leave it until the panic attack will not back down.

    However, the patient should realize the necessity of assistance. Those who regularly undergoes panic attacks, know how to deal with irrational sense of fear. Help breathing exercises for a long inhale, the breath and the long exhalation for 10 minutes.

    The treatment of the disease

    Depressing the patient's condition requires immediate treatment as itis growing rapidly, and in the course of this development significantly increases the frequency of panic attacks against what develops ineradicable dread of the outside world. Treatment should be carried out in several stages.

    1. A visit to the physician: you should start with the local therapist, then see a psychiatrist, be sure to visit a cardiologist and neurologist. All doctors must carefully examine the patient to confirm the diagnosis. Psychiatrist conducts several types of research based on passing specific tests.
    2. Next, you need to stop the attacks, which are used either medication in combination with psychotherapy and trainings, or folk remedies.
    3. And finally, we need to get rid of the other symptoms of hypochondria or depression, after which to take care of preventing relapse.

    The standard way of getting rid of a disease is the right combination of medicines and regular visits to the psychologist's office. As main medicine during an attack of PA are drugs, soothing the nervous system — sedatives and antidepressants. Psychiatrist must do everything possible to get rid of disorders of consciousness. Often used the color therapy, which helps people again to perceive the surrounding reality.

    This approach also involves several stages:

    1. The patient must understand their disease and the need for redemption.
    2. The psychiatrist helps to identify negative thoughts and to form motivation to healing.
    3. Next is the reduction of increased activity of the nervous system, after which the patient needs to come to grips with the internal problems and start working with conflict resolution in their environment.
    4. After this training, allowing a person to return to a normal, full life.

    Folk remedies

    Popular method of treatment is to minimize symptoms and may not give the full effect. For getting rid of the disease need to undergo psychotherapy, but treatment to below the extracts may partially or completely replace medical treatment, but only with the consent of the attending physician.

    1. Infusion of lemon balm. 10 grams of dried lemon balm leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, then infused for three to four hours. The resulting infusion should strain and take a third Cup three times a day, preferably before meals.
    2. Mint decoction. Take 50 grams of dried mint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and insist 3-4 hours, then strain and take a glass three times a day.

    Except for peppermint and lemon balm there are a number of medicinal herbs, a beneficial effect on the brain andreduces nervous tension. However, before accepting, you need to consult with your doctor.

    The consequences of the disease

    Panic attack – not that other, as attempt of the brain to shield and protect yourself from excessive stress, therefore, the forecast of the disease can be called favorable. Panic attacks do not bear any risk for human health, however if you allow the disease to develop, this can lead to loss of mental stability. Man begins to fear the outside world ceases to go out, minimizes the circle and closed in itself.

    Against this background, developing chronic depression, out of which is extremely difficult. This leads to a severe loss of social orientation.

    So if you're having panic attacks it is very important to start the treatment, which in total lasts about six months and guarantees full cure from the disease.