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Severe dizziness: causes of true and false

Dizziness, or vertigo, is a disturbance of health condition in which a person feels about moving your body in space or movement of the surrounding objects. This condition is accompanied by loss of balance and sometimes nausea, retching, pain of head and other symptoms depending on the cause of this symptom.

Dizziness is one of the most frequent reasons people seek medical help. Surely each of us felt that it is, for example, vertigo is virtually always accompanied by catarrhal disease that makes you stay in bed, or in the occiput in the morning. But in such cases, the head spinning is not much and not for long (several seconds) that is not displayed on the General condition of the person and reduces their quality of life.

But what to do when some people start to complain about constant and severe dizziness? Why it occurs and what diseases are hiding? And finally, how to get rid of this painful symptom? This is what will be discussed below.

Video transmission about the causes of dizziness:

Types of dizziness

There are several classifications of vertigo, but the main types are true and false.

About dizziness

Patients describe the term dizziness is very diverse pathological sensations that are not always true whirling head. The fact that a person who has never experienced true vertigo can invest in this concept all the unpleasant sensations that occur in the body. In medicine there is a special term used to denote about dizziness – lipothymia.

Symptoms that are not related to the true vertigo:

  • feeling of General weakness with nausea, cold sweat, fear, and darkening of eyes (such signs can often be observed when hypoglycemia is decrease of glucose concentration in the blood);
  • imbalance nevertebralnah origin, when “the reeling”, “rustles”, it is impossible to stay on his feet (cause – disorders of the cerebellum, incorporates a sensor-agnostic nerve failure, extrapyramidal failure, but no damage to the vestibular apparatus);
  • the sensation of falling or near syncope;
  • sensations that the patient may specify, for example, “the earth move under my feet”, “the mist inside the head, “as if drunk” (this is a common occurrence of emotional disorders, for example, with psychogenic the whirling head, which is not related to this).

True vertigo

This type of whirling of the head in the medicine called vertigo, or system. Patients described as illusorythe whirling of their own body or surrounding things in a particular direction in space. Always there are signs of dysfunction of the ANS:

  • nausea and retching;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • loss of balance;
  • rhythmic jerking of the eyeballs;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • heartbeat.

Is your head whirling in its origin is vestibular, that is caused by pathology of the vestibular analyzer, with its Central part, which is placed in the brain tissue, or peripheral, which is the inner ear and 8 world Cup nerve. Thus, true dizziness is Central (brain tumors,

Causes of true vertigo strong

As already mentioned, is your dizziness associated with disorders of the vestibular analyzer. It should be noted that it is always a severe disease, and that vertigo indicates a serious danger not only to human health but also for his life.

Causes of Central vertigo:

  • Head injury and cervical spine. This group will include fresh traumatic injuries and their consequences. For example, severe dizziness after the blow to the head may indicate

    Reason about strong dizziness

    Signs about the vertigo described above, and it can cause the following diseases and pathological conditions:

    • Cardiac and vascular pathology (hypertension,

      The most frequent diseases accompanied by dizziness

      Among the pathologies that are accompanied by extreme dizziness, are quite rare, which we have mentioned above, but in 95% of cases of vertigo, true or false due to the following diseases.

      Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo

      This violation refers to the number of true peripheral vertigo is the most frequent form. The disease is characterized by short bouts of true strong whirling of the body when rotating the head in one direction, its tilting, tilting or practicing certain postures, e.g. lying on your side.

      The reason for such attacks – the stimulation of the receptors in the cochlea of the auditory analyzer in a certain position of the person. As a rule, such a violation occurs in older patients history of infections and traumatic injuries.

      Get rid of pathology will help special gymnastics complexes – Dix-Hallpike and Brandt-Daroff. Their efficiency reaches over 90%.

      Psychogenic dizziness

      Is on the 2nd place of occurrence, but refers to about. often it can be seen in people with VSD, panic attacks, anxiety andneurotic disorders. The criterion for diagnosis may be greater efficacy of psychotherapy and sedative medicines, than special funds from the whirling of the head.

      Meniere's Disease

      The main symptom of the disease Menera is periodic attacks of whirling bodies with hearing loss in one ear and noise sensations in it. Such an attack may last a few hours or a few days. Gradually, the hearing in the affected ear completely lost.

      The basis of pathology – the excessive accumulation of endolymph in the labyrinth of the inner ear. Which leads to excessive activation of the vestibular analyzer and their distinctive attacks. The true causes of this phenomenon today is not known, but there is a connection with viral infections.

      Video transmission about Meniere's disease:

      How to help with dizziness?

      First we need to know what are the warning signs when dizziness. Any of them should make you seek immediate medical help:

      • fever;
      • ;
      • weakness in the arm or leg;
      • constant vomiting, which does not bring relief;
      • if the vertigo preceded by head injury;
      • if the attack fails independently or with the help of medications for 60 minutes;
      • if the background of the whirling head, the man lost consciousness;
      • if you are also accompanied by various focal neurologic symptoms.

      If you have started an attack of vertigo, you can try to stop him such medicines as Betagistin, Scopolamine, Diphenhydramine, Cinnarizine, Metoclopramide.

      You can try some non-drug methods:

      1. Go to bed or on the floor so as not to fall and not get hurt.
      2. To provide access of fresh air.
      3. If the patient is tense, it is possible to give some sort of sedative, for example, Valerian.
      4. Lie better on the back and head do not move, otherwise the symptoms will only get stronger.
      5. On the forehead you can put a cold compress or towel.
      6. Mandatory to measure human pressure, pulse, respiratory rate and temperature.

      Video about first aid in case of dizziness:

      Further treatment can appoint only the doctor after determining the cause of vertigo. As a rule, additional therapeutic measures with adequate treatment of the underlying disease is not required. Although they may be appointed and such is symptomatic medication and special exercises.