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Nausea and dizziness: the main causes

As we know, nausea and dizziness is a nonspecific symptoms that can occur when a large number of various diseases and pathological conditions. But if these two things happen at the same time, it is likely that they are caused by the same pathology that allows you to narrow the scan range.

In some cases, nausea and dizziness are not disease and are considered to be physiological, for example, after heavy physical work, hunger, but there are situations when these two symptoms are a signal the body about the severe injury that requires urgent medical intervention.


Nausea and dizziness is a frequent complaint of patients with high blood pressure, especially against the background in the flow


Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a disease of the inner ear. As you know, there is the human vestibular apparatus which monitors and analyzes the position of the body in space and balance. The main external symptom of this disease is vertigo, which is also called the true (vertigo).

The exact cause of this disease is not known. Experts attribute its development from the overproduction of endolymph fluid, which fills the cavity of the labyrinth of the inner ear. The disease is manifested acute attacks of vertigo, nausea, weakness, noise in the ear, increasing deafness.


Nausea and dizziness with anemia associated with anoxia of brain neurons. As well as hypotonia, which almost always accompanies severe anaemia. It should be noted that any type of anemia may be accompanied by the specified symptoms.

Among other characteristics that give the opportunity to suspect anemia, allocate pallor or yellowness of the skin, shortness of breath, General weakness, headache, lack of appetite.


Hypoglycemia is decrease in blood glucose levels. It is known that glucose is the main energy material, which is able to absorb the neurons of the brain. They can't get the necessary energy from fats, proteins and other carbohydrates. Because the decline in the blood amount of glucose starvation develops brain cells that outwardly manifested:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • sharp General weakness;
  • trembling in the hands;
  • flies before the eyes;
  • hunger cravings
  • excessive sweating;
  • heartbeat.

Hypoglycemia may develop when fasting (diet, a strict fast), after heavy physical or mental work, diabetic patients with an overdose of insulin after eatingalcohol when insuloma (a tumor that produces excess insulin).

Other ENT-pathology

Any disease in which suffers from auditory analyzer, can be manifested by nausea and dizziness. For example, otitis media, otosclerosis, cholesteatoma, neurinoma, or cochlear neuritis, labyrinthitis, mastoiditis, and neoplastic lesions.

Tumors of the brain

Almost all neoplasms of the brain can cause nausea and dizziness. They are caused by increased intracranial pressure the growing tumor and compression of healthy brain tissue.

But that's not the main symptoms of a brain tumor – the first priority here is progressive headache, focal neurological symptoms, for example, disturbance of speech, vision, motor skills, coordination, paresis, loss of sensation, seizures.

Considering the above described, with symptoms such as nausea and dizziness for no apparent reason, it is imperative to seek medical help to exclude a brain tumor.


Cerebral atherosclerosis

Food poisoning

Almost all intestinal infections can cause dizziness and nausea. But the mechanism of their development is quite different from the above described. Nausea with food poisoning due to intoxication by the waste products of pathological microorganisms. In this sickness of man becomes much easier after the vomiting, which does not happen with nausea Central origin.

Dizziness can be due to 2 factors:

  1. Intoxication of the body with the penetration of toxic substances through the blood-brain barrier.
  2. Dehydration due to diarrhea and profuse vomiting.

Video transmission about the nausea:

Fluctuations intracranial pressure

Side effects of medications

If you read a few instructions to medicines, 9 out of 10 in the paragraph about side effects it is possible to meet the dizziness and nausea. Most of these symptoms can develop in the application:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • drugs of the hypotensive group (those that reduce blood pressure);
  • iron preparations, zinc, selenium, iodine;
  • medicines that affect the Central nervous system – sedatives, hypnotics, sedatives, antidepressants.

Because if you suddenly had nausea and dizziness, consider the medication that you take. Perhaps this is the reason in them.

Diseases of the spine

In most cases, nausea and

Infection of the Central nervous system

A very common cause of dizziness and nauseaare infectious lesions of the brain and its membranes (meningitis, encephalitis). There is a number of other characteristic symptoms – headache, fever, hemorrhagic rash, muscle tension neck, a variety of focal neurological symptoms, which depend on the location of the lesion (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital share of a brain).

Traumatic brain injury and its consequences

In traumatic brain injury (

What to do with the dizziness and nausea?

There are many medicines that can remove such painful symptoms, but this will only help for a while.

It is important to remember that the nausea and dizziness is not a separate disease, because their treatment should be aimed at eliminating the root cause.

Video transmission about the dizziness:

Therefore, if you have any of these symptoms for no apparent reason, it is imperative to seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe all necessary tests and examinations that will accurately determine the cause and to find proper and effective treatment.