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Spasm of cerebral vessels: symptoms, removal, treatment

The receptacles have different diameter. It can range from fairly wide of the aorta extending from the heart, to the finest capillaries, entangling all fabrics. But even in one and the same vessel diameter varies. The vessel diameter is affected by ambient temperature, the condition of the body, the oxygen level of physical activity. Expanding and narrowing the vessels, the body adapts to external conditions. So in the cold constricts blood vessels of the limbs, allowing less cooling blood, and with it the internal organs.

But this spasm is a natural reaction of the body, and if it does not last too long, not a threat. But if for some reason it was delayed, it threatens many complications. And the situation only worsens, if we are talking about the spasm of brain vessels

What causes a spasm of cerebral vessels?

Causes spasm of the blood vessels of the brain are sufficiently numerous. Most often this phenomenon is cause by the following factors:

  1. Fatigue. Long work, in particular, require attention and perseverance (on the computer, paperwork) tires, which can cause narrowing of the blood vessels.
  2. The lack of oxygen. Prolonged exposure in poorly ventilated areas, lack of daily exercise can lead to disruption of cerebral circulation.
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease has many manifestations, including, can lead to spasm of blood vessels.
  4. Smoking. Nicotine and other substances contained in cigarettes cause transient spasm of cerebral vessels. Smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day person several times increases the likelihood of prolonged spasm of the cerebral vessels.
  5. Low back pain. When this condition is violated the structure of the cervical vertebrae, which may deteriorate the oxygen supply to the brain.
  6. Old age. With age blood vessels lose elasticity and become harder to kill after compression. This can lead to long-term spasm.

These factors lead to a persistent spasm of blood vessels of the brain.

What is the danger of vasospasm?

The expansion and contraction of blood vessels is a natural adaptive mechanism of the body. But if it gets out of control, it can lead to many serious consequences.

The narrower the vessels the supply the brain with fresh oxygen and nutrients it needs to work. This reduces the ability of the brain, its efficiency and performance.

Due to the fact that blood vessels are constantly tense, they experience high loads. In the presence of weak, thinned plots increased risk of forming an aneurysm (abnormal enlargement), stroke, and hemorrhage. These diseasesextremely heavy, they can result in permanent malfunction of the brain, disability and even death. Therefore, this condition requires timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment.

The symptoms of spasm of the vessels of the head

There are several major symptoms are spasm of the blood vessels of the brain. In the first place for nm include:

  1. Headaches. Heavy

    Diagnosis of spasm of cerebral vessels

    How to quickly relieve the spasm

    Transient spasm of cerebral vessels will resolve quite simply. Enough to lie down or sit comfortably, relax for some fresh air, RUB temples and forehead, massage the neck. Well help herbal sedatives such as Valerian extract or tincture of motherwort.

    If the spasm is caused by hypothermia, it helps warm shower or bath. When the blood vessels in order simply to keep warm.

    We all know that alcohol dilates blood vessels, but its use for this purpose is extremely dangerous and irrational. After temporary relief of the situation can only get worse. The only drink that is allowed in such cases, it's cognac. But a single dose should not exceed 30-50 grams. It can be used as a remedy of great stress, hypothermia, nervous tension and so forth, but only in exceptional cases.

    Drug treatment of spasm of cerebral vessels

    Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of drugs that relieve the spasm of blood vessels of the brain. Here only to pick them yourself is quite risky. Every medication aimed at a specific cause narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, so they can not independently choose to change the dosage or the regimen.

    Most often prescribe the following medications:

    1. The Valerian extract. It not only soothes, but also relieves spasms, particularly of the cerebral vessels.
    2. Ginko Biloba. This plant is now actively used for the treatment of diseases associated with disorders of cerebral circulation. On the basis of available drugs with a similar effect.
    3. Funds for emergency expansion of the brain vessels eufilin and papaverine. They should only take in a sharp spasm, and, preferably, under the appointment and supervision of a physician.
    4. Statins. It's an extensive group, which includes such drugs as atomax, lipford and so on. They allow you to maintain the vessels in a stable state, preventing them from spasm.
    5. The fibrates. Atromid, atomidine, clofibrate these drugs are also prescribed for the tendency to vascular spasms.

    Selection of drugs for the treatment of spasm of cerebral vessels is a complex task that can only be experienced andby a qualified technician.

    Usually, treatment of similar problems are handled by the neurologist and not the cardiologist, as many believe. Specialization cardiologist, cardiac muscle, whereas vasospasm affects primarily the brain.

    At the same time, there are many methods of non-medicamental treatment of vasospasm, which is based on the healing properties of plants and certain products.

    People's treatment of vasospasm

    There are many folk methods of treatment of spasm of cerebral vessels. Some of them are designed for extra effect, while others need to take to achieve the effect for a long time. Also vary and their effectiveness, but due to the large number of recipes everyone can choose the best option:

    1. A cold compress from a decoction of plantain, St. John's wort and dandelion root. Quickly relieves vasospasm, facilitates headache.
    2. Broth hips. It can be brewed and drink as tea. It tones the blood vessels and relieves spasms and acts as a slight diuretic, lowering blood pressure.
    3. A decoction of the leaves of the thyme and garlic. Herbs brewed and drunk as a tea. The course length is one to two months.
    4. Vasospasm remove the aromatic oil of lavender and Jasmine. They need to use in oil burner or in the individual aromatic pendant.
    5. Agrimony ordinary. This plant can be dried and taken in powder form at half a gram three times a day or brew. For this purpose, two tablespoons of herbs pour three cups of boiling water and insist within hours. Take a decoction three times a day a glass. The course length is a month.
    6. The periwinkle. This tool is well known for its vasodilating properties. Tablespoon pour 300 grams of water and within 15 minutes, insist in a water bath. After the infusion is kept for a further 45 minutes, filtered and cooled. Take the infusion third Cup three times a day.
    7. Kalina. 200 grams flowers of viburnum pour 300 grams of boiling water and insist within hours. Then take half a Cup 3-4 times a day.
    8. Sophora japonica. Two tablespoons of the mixture of the fruits and flowers of Sophora japonica pour 500 ml boiling water and within 5 minutes of the boil. Then the decoction is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. To take a third of a Cup twice a day.
    9. 500 g of liquid honey mixed with chopped 5 lemons and 5 heads of garlic. To take remedy recommend a tablespoon in the morning. Store in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally. It can be dangerous for people with diseasesof the stomach and duodenum.

    It is also useful to normalize the power: to reduce the amount of animal fats in the diet, replacing them with vegetable oil and fish, to eat more fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. Important drinking regime. In the day you should drink at least one and a half liters of fluid. Walks should be given at least an hour a day.