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Injury Headache. Causes, symptoms and treatment.

How to treat a concussion at home?

A concussion can happen to anyone unexpectedly. When the victim experiences severe pain, Risk group Most often such injuries doctors treat the athletes and the workers of hard physical labor – read more...

Concussion in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Concussion in children is quite common type of injury in Pediatrics. All this is associated with increased gaming activity and reduced sense of danger and fear in children. Although a read more...

Hematoma of the brain

Hematoma of the brain — a severe emergency condition that about 40% of cases leads to death. Forecast in this case, it is difficult to do, you need to analyze read more...

Traumatic brain injury: causes, types, symptoms and treatment

Traumatic brain injury according to statistics 10% of all disability among young people, and in most cases, unfavorable prognosis is associated with late appeal for medical assistance. For some types read more...

A fracture of the skull base

A fracture of the skull base is one of the most dangerous injuries because it violated the integrity of the bones that protect the most vulnerable and important organ – read more...

Concussion: symptoms, diagnosis , first aid

Despite a concussion and is a light traumatic brain injury, but it is the most frequent type of injury. To get injured anywhere and at motor vehicle accidents, and various read more...